What is a Mudra?
Anuradha's Workshops
State of Orissa
Anuradha's Sacred Dance Workshops
May your body become a temple of grace

Opening ceremony
Offering to Ganesha
Mantra: « Om Gam Ganapataye Namah »

Ganesha is depicted as the demigod of knowledge and the remover of all obstacles. He is also the eldest son of Lord Shiva and Parvati Devi. Lord Ganesha is also called Vinayak, (knowledgeable). At the start of any type of performance, he is acknowledged for blessings and auspiciousness. As Ganesha is the conqueror of fear and death, through his blessings the dancer’s fears and false pride are left to die so that he or she may perform in a pure, untainted and beautiful fashion. All who witness this performance are fulfilled with a sense of bliss, for each movement emanates auspiciousness. These offerings give one the confidence to activate and pursue his or her mission on earth and to bring forth the manifestation of positive change.

Dance of Destruction and Creation
Offering to Shiva & Shakti
Mantra: « Om Namah Shivaya Om Shakti Ma »

Shiva Nataraj's dance represents the destruction and the creation of the universe and reveals the cycles of birth, death and rebirth. His dance is meant for the welfare of the world. In the pose bearing his name, called Nataraj, Shiva Nataraj, the King of Dance, is giving darshan (vision) to his beloved devotees within the "Hall of Consciousness", (our inner heart). Before drinking the poison to save the world, Shiva first asked Srimati Parvati, (his wife Shakti Devi), for her permission to do so. Only with Shakti’s blessing can we receive Shiva's blessings and thus kill the demon of forgetfulness, which separates us from our true spiritual identity. By expressing these movements we destroy the negative energies in our lives and positively affirm that from now on we create our own world. We are no longer under the influence of "what is not eternal", (maya).

Dance of Compassion
Offering to the Goddess Tara
Mantra : « Om Tara Tum Tare Ture Soha »

Tara is an archetype of our inner wisdom and compassion. Legends of many cultures praise her, for it is she who brings forth conscious life. It is she who is "The Embodiment of Wisdom", "The Great Compassionate Mother" and "The Star of Heaven". She has been called many names and has been revealed in many forms. This dance is an offering to all her representations in all traditions. (Green Tara, White Tara, Shakti, Terra, Star Woman, Tar, Tarahumara). Through her graceful movements and blessings, wisdom and compassion springs from our hearts giving us a sense of peace within and all around us.

© Anuradha Devi, 2007

Anuradha Mudra